
Executive Presence
Leadership Assessment Toolkit
Are you interested in baselining your team’s (or your own) leadership strengths and opportunities? Our powerful 360-style report is based on The Nine Dimensions™ of Executive Presence. Get actionable information and invaluable context you can put to immediate use to improve your leadership presence, including a radar chart, a “top strengths and opportunities” overview, rater narratives, and lots of extras.
Your Executive Presence Leadership Assessment Toolkit includes:
360-style Executive Presence Leadership Assessment Report
Understanding Your Executive Presence Leadership Assessment Report: This handy guide takes you through your report, section by section, with tips on how to use the information to identify your best improvement opportunities.
Executive Presence Leadership Assessment Debrief Discussion Guide: Helpful questions to consider when thinking about your report or discussing it with a mentor, coach, or colleague.
Video: Get the most from Your Leadership Assessment Report: A step-by-step walk-through of the report with Paul Aldo, Ph.D., founder of Executive Presence.
Book: Understanding Executive Presence: Go deeper into The Nine Dimensions of executive presence and learn how a behavioral approach to powering up your leadership presence can unlock real career growth potential.
Improvement Plan: A simple, focused, and measurable plan for successfully improving your executive presence.